We at AI Solutions are committed to providing advanced and innovative security solutions using the latest technologies in artificial intelligence. Our company was founded in 2018 with a clear vision to enhance the level of safety and protection for our clients, whether individuals or institutions.

Our mission is to deliver effective and reliable solutions based on smart analytics and machine learning to address modern security challenges efficiently and effectively. We combine deep expertise in the security field with continuous innovation to provide the best technological solutions to our clients.

Our services include a diverse range of security solutions, including smart video surveillance systems, intrusion detection, predictive analytics, and cybersecurity applications. We also provide comprehensive solutions tailored to secure your business wherever you are, as we serve all sectors such as factories, warehouses, companies, hotels, tourist villages, hospitals, pharmacies, villas, factories, and more. Every solution we offer is designed to precisely and effectively meet the needs of our clients.

Our mission

At AI Solutions, we are committed to providing advanced and innovative security solutions using smart technology and artificial intelligence, to ensure the safety and protection of our clients and our community from modern security challenges.

Our Vision

We aspire to be leaders in the field of innovative and advanced security solutions, contributing to creating a safe and protected environment for individuals and institutions, with a focus on continuous innovation and delivering the highest levels of quality and service to our clients worldwide.